
Showing posts from April, 2024

What am I doing here ?

We live in a world that is continuously changing and evolving. Our daily problems are not the same as those of our parents or grand-parents. I know, every generation says this, but I believe the rythm of change for mine was faster. The "smart-telecom" revolution happened, boarders were opened inside Europe, migration to other countries became easier. Mixed nationality families increased as did the number of bilingual children.   I was born and raised in Romania, I spend my first 7 years of life under comunism regim and the rest under a democratic one. I have not traveled abroad until I was 23 and I only met people of other nationalities during English summer camps. I was surrownded by my "own" people, I never thought of the diffrencies between societies of the same sort and on a very naive level I believed people are and act the same no matter where they are born and raised.   Today I live in France, I have 2 daughters from different fathers that came from different